Program Infrastructure

Program Infrastructure

Below are listed the Infrastructure systems that have been provisioned for the Symphony Program.

Wiki Space (Atlassian Confluence)

The SymphonyProgram's Wiki Space is available at https://finosfoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SYM; if you’re new to Confluence, please check their Getting Started guide.

Some notes about the Space configuration:

  1. The PMC Lead has Administration permissions, in order to manage the Program roster and permission levels over time.
  2. All PMC members have read permission and write permissions, but cannot delete content.

  3. All PMC members should have received an email notification requesting them to login for the first time.

  4. The Space is populated with a small initial set of content, but please don't be shy about editing this content and/or adding new content to better describe and promote the Program.  The initial content includes:

    1. the PMC roster

    2. the approved Program Proposal and Program Operations Policy

    3. the list of initial projects and working groups in the Program

Email Distribution Lists (Google Groups)

The following email distribution lists are available, to facilitate communication within and between Program’s participants:

  1. symphony-pmc@finos.org - used for public communication between the PMC members
    1. The PMC Lead is the list Owner and can add/remove/invite/promote other members
    2. Every PMC Member is a list Manager
    3. Anyone can post a message to the list; non-members messages are moderated by default
    4. Nobody else is (or should be) part of this list.
    5. Email archives are publicly available
    6. Everyone can post messages
    7. Nobody, except group Managers, can see who is in the list
  2. symphony@finos.org (was dev@symphony.foundation) - used for public general communication amongst all Program participants
    1. The PMC Lead is the list Owner and can add/remove/invite/promote other members
    2. Every PMC Member is a list Manager
    3. Every participant in the Program (project committer, Working Group participant, etc.) can be a member of the list
    4. Others (e.g. project users) may be members of the list, at the PMC's discretion
    5. Email archives are publicly available
    6. Everyone can post messages
    7. Nobody, except group Managers, can see who is in the list
  3. symphony-pmc-reports@finos.org - used for sending monthly automated reports regarding contributors activity; same configuration as symphony@finos.org

To manage lists, please access Foundation Google Groups web interface.  In the event that none of the PMC Members can access it, please open a HELP issue.

Code Repository (GitHub)

All Symphony Program project code assets are hosted on https://github.com/symphonyoss GitHub organization.

Need help? Email help@finos.org we'll get back to you.

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