2020-07-17 Interop API WG

2020-07-17 Interop API WG

Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)

Table of Contents




OrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Leslie SpiroGlue42lspiro-Tick42
Malcolm ChedzoyJP Morgan
James McLeod (Unlicensed)FINOSmcleo-d

Outstanding Action Items


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)


10 minPlexus Interop API FDC3 update Leslie Spiro
  • Plexus Interop API to be presented to FDC3 for inclusion in the FDC3 project
  • Unifying the APIs confirmed to make sense on the call
  • The proposal to be added to the next FDC3 agenda
  • A pull request from https://github.com/finos/plexus-interop-desktop-api to be raised against the FDC3 project
10 minPlexus migration to FINOS GitHub OrganisationJames McLeod (Unlicensed)
5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

  • Plexus Interop API to be presented to FDC3 for inclusion in the FDC3 project
  • Unifying the APIs confirmed to make sense on the call
  • The proposal to be added to the next FDC3 agenda
  • A pull request from https://github.com/finos/plexus-interop-desktop-api to be raised against the FDC3 project

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting

  • Leslie Spiro to add Plexus Interop API inclusion into FDC3 onto the FDC3 agenda
  • Leslie Spiro to raise a Plexus Interop API pull request against the FDC3 project
  • Leslie Spiro to assess whether to contribute the Plexus Interop API demos to FDC3, or Archive, based on the FDC3 inclusion decision.

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