2020-01-31 Interop API Project

2020-01-31 Interop API Project

Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)

Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Deutsche Bank
Glue 42
Aitana MyohlFINOS

Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)

Leslie SpiroSvyatoslav Kryukov

Channels and Context API in JS broker

  • just starting implementation for contextual linking in the platform. Majority of it based on channels and sharing 
  • really interesting. just announced OS version of Glue42 core, targeted to PWA apps on the desktop. support FDC3 and interop APIs.
  • suggestion to organize a session to show DB's and Glue42's progress, look for commonalities (i.e. what APIs to use,...)

Schedule session on Feb 14th @10am ET to go over:

  1. Review proposal for Channels & Context API
  2. DB's progress on mobile app
  3. Glue 42's work on PWA
5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting


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