2019-03-15 Interop API WG
Table of Contents
Fri 15-Mar
Name | Organisation |
Leslie Spiro (Chair) | Tick42 |
DB | |
Paul Whitby | DB |
Anton Nikolaev | DB |
Ivan Kosharov | Tick42 |
Stoyan Damov | Tick42 |
Andrew Davey | Tick42 |
Outstanding Action Items
<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>
Time | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call | Leslie Spiro | |
5 min | Review action items from previous meetings (see above) | Leslie Spiro | |
5 min | .Net API | Leslie Spiro | Stoyan Damov (Deactivated) Start discussion around design issues for a .Net API using the mailing list. Two specific topics were identified, cross technology object mapping (e.g. .Net to JavaScript) and using availability of interfaces to signal what features are implemented. |
30 min | Review proposed addition of Pub/Sub messages to API. | Leslie Spiro | Ivan Kosharov of Tick42 has issued a PR here adding pub/sub to the api. This was not discussed in the meeting, since the question was raised about whether shared contexts should use the same API. Discussion of this PR will be delayed until the Shared Context API's have been proposed. |
15 min | Discuss adding support for Shared Contexts | Leslie Spiro | Is this a special case of Pub/Sub with persistence or a separate API. Anton Nikolaev will produce a proposal, possibly as a modification of the Pub/Sub PR @Ivan Kosharov will produce a proposal for a separate API. NB This functionality is now (as of 14-March) being discussed in FDC3 API WG, and Leslie Spiro will make an API proposal that echoes syntax and semantics of the proposal adopted here to the FDC3 API WG. |
5 min | AOB & adjourn | Leslie Spiro | Svyatoslav Kryukov Raised idea of dropping the InteropFeature enum and use use presence of Interface implementations to indicate what features an implementation supports. This would provide help when using implementations in an IDE. This will be discussed in the mailing lists or via GitHub issues, with the goal of coming to a decision at next WG meeting. Anton Nikolaev agreed to start the discussion with an initial proposal. Next meeting - book same time Friday 29-March |
Decisions Made
- Book an extra meeting for Friday 29-March
Action Items
- .Net API - Stoyan Damov (Deactivated) Start discussion around design issues for a .Net API using the mailing list.
- Proposal for Shared Context API from Anton and from Ivan, and discuss on mailing list.
- AOB - Anton Nikolaev produce an initial proposal for dropping InteropFeature enum,
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