Use case 15: Sales Floor Base Workflow

Use case 15: Sales Floor Base Workflow

This use case focus on workflow efficiency and heavy reliant on better tools integration with central focus on a CRM. A CRM application with good analytics is central part in any sales business, enabling its integration with the traditional financial  applications is key to make users life as easy as possible.

Workflow 1.1

  1. A phone contact happens, the user is in the office using a physical line (e.g. Turret);
  2. The CRM automatically is setup in the page relevant to the customer (lets consider that the CRM is FDC3 compliant);
  3. Relevant Analytical tools are automatically set based on the customer profile (this can include any type of analytics - products, customer history, etc.);
  4. Relevant dealing tools, credit check tools, pricing tools are automatically set based on the customer profile;
  5. A deal is agreed and the user uses the relevant tools to register the deal;
  6. When the call ends a CRM call report popup form is shown prefilled with a NLP prepossessed call summary, call statistics (when, how much time, phone number, etc..) and deals registered; 
    1. While aware of the technical challenges for NLP in this scenario, that shouldn't make a huge difference for the FDC3 api layer if other path is chosen for this step.
  7. The user edits if required and saves the call report.

Workflow 1.2

  1. A chat contact happens;
  2. The CRM automatically is setup in the page relevant to the customer (lets consider that the CRM is FDC3 compliant);
  3. Relevant Analytical tools are automatically set based on the customer profile (this can include any type of analytics - products, customer history, etc.);
  4. While on the chat it triggers a request for analytics on a specific item delivered by another FDC3 compliant app (e.g. Bond, FX... );
  5. Relevant dealing tools, credit check tools, pricing tools are automatically set based on the customer profile;
  6. A deal is agreed and the user uses the relevant tools to register the deal;
  7. When the call ends, the user can trigger from the chat a CRM call report, a popup is shown prefilled with a NLP prepossessed chat summary and deals registered; 
  8. The user edits if required and saves the call report.

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