About the ESCo

About the ESCo

Charter & Responsibilities

The ESCo's Charter is set out in §6.2(b) the Bylaws :

"The ESC shall be responsible for the active maintenance and management of the Symphony Open Source Project, which may include establishing product roadmaps and the development, testing, acceptance, commitment and publication of new features and releases related to the Open Source Project and the Symphony Software."

Among other things, the ESCo is responsible for:

The ESCo generally operates according to the ESCo Voting Process.


The ESCo meets on a weekly basis. The process used for voting and decision making is documented in ESCo Voting Process.  

For meeting agendas and past meeting minutes, decisions, and actions see ESCo Meeting notes.


The ESCo consists of the following participants:

Project Leads

The ESCo Project Leads are the core voting members of the ESCo. The Project Leads meet regularly to confer on the technical direction of the Symphony Open Source Project and to vote on technical matters. Two Project Leads (the "Board Leads") are appointed by the Board of Directors, two (the "Member Leads") by the Members, and one by Symphony Communication Services Holdings, LLC.

Per the ESCo's rules, Project Leads serve 2-year terms. The terms of the Board Leads and Member Leads are staggered, so that the Member Leads are re-appointed one year after the Board Leads.


The ESCo Advisors are generally non-voting members of the ESCo whose role is to provide the Foundation's Members and with visibility and input into the ESCo's regular activities, and to allow the ESCo to solicit advice from important community members. In the event that the Project Leads cannot reach a majority in a vote on a technical matter, the ESCo Advisors participate in a tie-breaking plenary vote of the Project Leads and Advisors. 

Up to seven ESCo Advisors may be appointed, as follows: up to three by the Project Leads, and one each by the Platinum, Gold, Silver, and At-Large classes of Members, respectively. (According to the Silver and At-Large Member Policies, those classes of members may only appoint an ESCo Advisor once they have attained a membership threshold of 10 and 20 members, respectively.)


The ESCo secretary is a non-voting ESCo member who presides over and takes the minutes of ESCo meetings.

Ratification Notice

The concepts described in this page and its sub-pages were ratified by the ESCo in early 2016, and have been infrequently refined since then:

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Engineering Steering Committee (ESCo) (Archived)
Engineering Steering Committee (ESCo) (Archived)
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