A Single Jira Ticket - Templated MessageML
A JIRA integration bot sends a message as a result of a new ticket being created. The message is submitted as V2 MessageML + EntityJSON. The MessageML includes template directives which means that the same MessageML could be submitted with multiple messages containing different EntityJSON representing different JIRA tickets.
<messageML> <div class="entity" data-entity-id="jiraIssueCreated"> <card class="barStyle"> <header> <img src="${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.priority.iconUrl}"/> <a href="${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.url}">${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.key}</a> <span>${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.subject} - </span> <mention email="${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].user.emailAddress}"/> <span class="action">Created</span> </header> <body> <div class="entity" data-entity-id="jiraIssueCreated"> <div class="labelBackground badge"> <p> <span class="label">Description:</span> <span>${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.description}</span> </p> <p> <span class="label">Assignee:</span> <mention email="${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.assignee.emailAddress}"/> </p> </div> <div class="labelBackground badge"> <p> <span class="label">Type:</span> <img src="${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.issueType}"/> <span class="label">Priority:</span> <img src="${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.priority.iconUrl}"/> <span>${entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.priority.name}</span> <span class="label">Labels:</span> <#list entity['jiraIssueCreated'].issue.labels as label> <hash tag="${label.text}"/> </#list> </p> </div> </div> </body> </card> </div> </messageML>
{ "jiraIssueCreated": { "type": "com.symphony.integration.jira.event.created", "version": "1.0", "user": { "type": "com.symphony.integration.user", "version": "1.0", "id": 123456, "emailAddress": "bot.user01@symphony.com", "username": "bot.user01", "displayName": "Bot User01" }, "issue": { "type": "com.symphony.integration.jira.issue", "version": "1.0", "key": "SAM-25", "url": "https://whiteam1.atlassian.net/browse/SAM-25/", "subject": "Issue Test", "description": "Only for test", "issueType": "Story", "labels": [ { "type": "com.symphony.integration.jira.label", "version": "1.0", "text": "production" } ], "priority": { "type": "com.symphony.integration.jira.priority", "version": "1.0", "iconUrl": "https://whiteam1.atlassian.net/images/icons/priorities/highest.svg", "name": "Highest" }, "assignee": { "type": "com.symphony.integration.user", "version": "1.0", "id": 654321, "emailAddress": "bot.user02@symphony.com", "username": "bot.user02", "displayName": "Bot User02" } } } }
Internal Representation
The API Agent converts the submitted MessageML into PresentationML and expands hastags, cashtags and user mentions into EntityJSON data, generating the following message: A Single Jira Ticket - PresentationML.
Standard Freemarker template macros are used to complete the final PresentationML from the supplied JSON data. Note that value substitution is achieved by syntax like
which simply navigates down the JSON structure.
Looping is achieved with syntax like
<#list entity["jiraUpdated"].issue.changeLog.changeList as change>
which iterates over all values of
Note that the ${} syntax is not needed (or allowed) inside the <#....> </#...> macro markup. Full details of Freemarker are available at http://freemarker.org/
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