Lookup Bot - Proof of Concept

Lookup Bot - Proof of Concept

In order to test out the Financial Object specification between several market data providers, FactSet will build a bot that can convert a simple input of an ID into a financial object.

  1. Bot needs to be invited to the chat/chatroom
  2. Bot looks for cashtags and (due to the current restrictions in cashtag input) also the command /lookup XYZ
  3. The bot then responds with:

    <messageML>Here's some info about <b>XYZ</b>:
    	<entity type=”org.symphonyoss.fin.security” version="1.0"/>
    		<attribute name=”id” type=”com.factset.symphony.security.id.permid” priority="0" value=”123”/>
    		<attribute name=”id” type=”org.symphonyoss.fin.security.id.isin” priority="1" value=”456”/>
    		<attribute name=”id” type=”org.symphonyoss.fin.security.id.sedol” priority="2" value=”789”/>
    		<attribute name=”id” type=”org.symphonyoss.fin.security.id.ticker” priority="3" value=”XYZ-US”/>
    		<presentationML><b>XYZ Partners Inc.</b></presentationML>


 If you don’t have a renderer it should be shown as:

Here’s some info about XYZ: XYZ Partners Inc.

While a renderer should be able to replace XYZ Partners Inc. with whatever the renderer produces.

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