On-boarding and Participation Proposal
On-boarding and Participation Proposal
- “Membership” is a term reserved by FINOS
- all FINOS members can participate in FDC3, by default
- You don’t need to be a FINOS member to participate
- We have an interest in identifying:
- Individuals that want to participate
- Organizations that want to identify as contributors to FDC3
- Individuals that are committers
- Main needs:
- Momentum of buy-in and consensus to drive standards adoption
- Drive “recruitment” of talent to FDC3 umbrella
- Prevent group think on standards via broad representation across the industry
- Proposed Structure:
- Participant Status
- Individual level
- Request to join fdc3@finos.org group
- Ask for:
- company
- company as a participant org - (opt in)
- why you want to join - (listen, contribute, etc)
- Invited to on-boarding webinar
- Invited to general meeting
- Can participate in WGs
- Can propose projects and WGs
- Organizational Participant (TBD)
- Organization agrees to be listed as a member org of FDC3
- Approved by PMC
- Listed in general meeting, informational materials, etc
- Identifies reps - who have committer status
- Committer Status
- Participant status +
- Vote for PMC
- Membership in GIT
- Committers can also be "at large" i.e. not sponsored through an organization.
- Approved by PMC
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