2019-09-19 uc-wg meeting notes

2019-09-19 uc-wg meeting notes

Meeting minutes status: Approved

Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
JP Morgan
Johan SanderssonFactSet
Ben Gold

James McLeod (Unlicensed)FINOS

Outstanding Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Cesar Morgadinho2019-06-27 uc-wg meeting notes
Rhyddian Olds2019-06-27 uc-wg meeting notes
Leslie Spiro2019-06-27 uc-wg meeting notes
Evgeny Kovalyov2019-06-27 uc-wg meeting notes


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call
10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)

10 minReview and sign off new persona definitionFormer user (Deleted)
10 minUC #17 Channels Johan Sandersson
  • Leslie Spiro: importance of syncing context, and using colors
  • Johan Sandersson: end-user persona, context should be implementation layer. Possible business persona added to use case. 
  • Jonathan Teper: we should gather feedback on real-world implementations to makes sure the standard is easy for existing channel implementations to adopt the FDC3 standard
  • Leslie Spiro to provide feedback on channels use case in confluence
  • Johan Sandersson to update the channels use case with the business persona (switching out app #4)
  • Jonathan Teper to send out use case to the FDC3 community to request feedback on FDC3 specs vs. real-world implementations
10 minOKR review and next stepsJonathan Teper

OKRs should be reviewed in every meeting

Objective: Advance business transformation by connecting the financial desktop app ecosystem with streamlined user workflows

  • KR #1: Document new 10 cross-app financial workflows - 3 in the pipeline or approved
  • KR #2: 70% of workflows implemented or accepted onto the roadmap of standards
  • KR #3: Demonstrate business transformation, as measured by qualitative metrics (5 testimonials from adopters)
  • Jonathan Teper to send out FDC3 PMC survey to the UCWG so the group can discuss synergies and how we'll get qualitative metrics (KR #3)
  • KR #4: Demonstrate business transformation, as measured by quantitative metrics (50,000 completed interop workflows)
  • Working group participants to gather metrics in their organizations (KR#4)
  • Jonathan Teper to promote UC 16 with the API group (KR#4)
10 minProviding priorities
  • Hard to do, but when we are creating use cases, we should attempt to size the pain point / opportunity.  
5 minAOB & adjourn

  • Leslie Spiro - "I want my application to be FDC3 compatible" - not a user-focused use case, but could it be valid? The general consensus is yes.

Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting


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