Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)

Table of Contents




NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
CitiGitHub ID is a backup option if a Confluence username is not available to be tagged in the Name column
FactsetGitHub ID is a backup option if a Confluence username is not available to be tagged in the Name column
Tosha EllisonFINOStoshaellison

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

Approve past meeting minutes

Minutes from previous meetings were not discussed/reviewed so approval remains outstanding,

10 minReview action items from previous meetings (see above)

Notes taken during the meeting for this agenda item

20 minUpdate on Workstreams

Sounds like the RFQ work with Symphony has been progressing but we need a more detailed update from Symphony and presentation to the group.

10 minIdentifying new WorkstreamsName

Discussed a few opportunities for presentations to the FO group:

X minAgenda itemName

Notes taken during the meeting for this agenda item

5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting