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Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)


NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Former user (Deleted)Morgan Stanley
Tosha EllisonFINOS
Maurizio PillituFINOS
Aaron WilliamsonFINOS

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>





Notes from the Meeting

5 min

Convene & roll call

Approve past meeting minutes

10 min

Review action items from previous meetings (see above)

10 mins

How to leverage GitHub membership

Maurizio Pillitu Jamie Jones

Discussion. We are in the process of downgrading to "Team for Open Source" tier, as we managed to move all our private repos elsewhere. How do we want to manage GitHub Org Membership? Shall membership to be public? Who is (and who is not) a member of the org? Who manages membership and when?

Proposal. Any FINOS active participant SHOULD be part of a GitHub Team, and therefore should be a FINOS (GitHub org) member; membership should be public; FINOS Staff will take care of membership, anytime a new project or contributor is onboarded; an internal sync tool will periodically check if GitHub Teams and members list are in sync (as project leads are also maintainers of GitHub Teams. Given the mentioned permission strategy, at repository level, there should be need to define user-specific permissions, all individuals should be mapped to at least 1 GitHub Team (making permission management much simpler, especially for multi-repo projects, who share the same team definitions).

5 min

Update on FINOS org transitions

Maurizio Pillitu

Discussion. Update on moving organizations for separate foundation programs into the finos organization on GitHub

10 mins

Moving OSR into FDX - update


  • Update on OSR to FDX merging
  • OSR WG merging with ODP WG call (or vice versa)
    • Aaron W: OSR has scheduled calls with compliance-related talks (for next couple of weeks at least); ODP is welcome to join. Merging is welcome
    • Discuss again for next FDX PMC meeting

5 min

AOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting

  •  Maurizio Pillitu and Jamie Jones - follow up on documentation re. FINOS governance on GitHub => lead to Handbook documentation
  •  Maurizio Pillitu and Rob - follow up with teams (ie Perspective) to use GitHub Team (ie dav-perspective)
  •  Interest to use FINOS GitHub org members as list of "active participants", but too difficult to manage; let's keep it simple, membership will be affected by Team configurations
  •  Cleanup Outside Collaborators: adding them as members (or remove from repos, sometimes it applies for archived repos)
  •  Maurizio Pillitu and Tosha Ellison - marketing updates re. github org consolidation (ie link changes)
  •  Discuss again "OSR WG merging with ODP WG call (or vice versa)" for next FDX PMC meeting