2018-10-03 Meeting Notes

2018-10-03 Meeting Notes



Rich LinnellJPM
Nicholas KolbaOpenfin
Riza TureWellington
Riko EksteenJPM

Discussion items

1 minScribeGroup

10 minRatify schema for intentsGroup

Espen narrated for the group the process to date to get to today, where the intent is to ratify the standards for FDC3 intents.

Nick's pull request was discussed. Riko expressed that he thought it required further discussion, especially around the existence and use of the contentdatatype field

Rich shared that he agreed with Riko

We now have a formal process for ratifying FDC3 standards - Standards Ratification Process

On the previous call we approved the schema for intents

Propose to move the proposal to a ratified standard.

Motion made to approve the intents scheme; vote taken by acclamation which unanimously passed.

10 minRatify initial list of intentsEspen

On the previous call we approved the initial list of global intents

Before we move to ratification - quick discussion on namespacing

Propose to move the proposal to a ratified standard.

Nick suggested that each intent had an expectation of behavior. 

Espen showed:

Riko shared that he thinks the expected content works best alongside the intents themselves.

5 minReview and approve minutes from last meeting

10 minAOBGroup


  • Formally ratify schema and global list of Intents

Action items


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