2019-11-18 Steering Committee Minutes for Data Helix project
Andrew Carr
Colin Eberhardt
Matt Richards
Will Salt
Antony Welsh
Will Salt gave a summary of discussions held earlier around v1 release requirements
A bug review determined that there are no outstanding bugs blocking the v1 release.
The concept of "rules" will be removed from the profile schema before the v1 release.
The only other outstanding feeature required for the v1 release is integration with Faker.
We discussed the likely v1 release schedule
All agreed the project is now very stable and the release of v1 before the end of the year remains feasible.
It was agreed the members of the steering committee should try the generator out prior to release.
ACTION: WS to update the online version of Data Helix and circulate details to the committee.
We discussed post-release promotion
We agreed we should hold an internal demo following the release.
We should also find a good internal project to trial it, and ensure all internal team leads are aware.
Colin mentioned the difficulties of getting feedback from open source users and measuring the userbase size. He would like us to publicise the project's internals through blogging.
ACTION: WS to start drafting a blog post on an aspect of Data Helix internals.
AC is keen to promote Data Helix to the South West England development community.
ACTION: AC to consider how best to demo Data Helix externally
All agreed that after v1 has been released, we should start working on the roadmap of future features.
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