This document reflects the current App Directory schema implementation as created by OpenFin.
"name": "notifications",
"title": "notifications",
"description": "notifications",
"contact_email": null,
"support_email": null,
"signature": "",
"publisher": "openfin",
"icon": "",
"appPage": "/apps/notifications",
"images": [
{ "url": "" }
namespace: The namespace under which the application lives. By default, all applications live under public unless specified otherwise.
description: Some meta data that would be used to explain more about the application. For this application, the namespace is services. If no namespace is provided, it will default to public.
name: The name that is used to get this information:
In this case, notifications is the name
manifest_url: URL of the manifest url. In this case, this is pointing to a json object but this could point to any url.
title: Just some meta information about the application. We currently use this when rendering the app-directory home page.
manifest_url: The location of the application. The RVM uses this JSON to start the application. This url has to be unique in our domains table.
contact_email: Who the contact for the application
support_email: Who is on support for the application
signature: The domain or public key that the application lives under. For example, the manifest_url would not be able to live under
publisher: The name of the company that owns the application. The publisher has control over their namespace/app/signature(see diagram)
icon: Metadata for an icon for the application. This can be used to reference a favicon.
appPage: The path of where the app is located.(to be removed)
images: Metadata which are screenshots of the application.
Manifest URL(ie:
The manifest url is something a web application target uses to launch the application.