CMS-WG Meeting Minutes 2019-02-19

CMS-WG Meeting Minutes 2019-02-19

Table of Contents



Tosha EllisonFINOS
Tom SchadyGreenkey

Outstanding Action Items

<insert a {Task report} macro here, configured with the group's task page>


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call

5 minClarification on Meeting Invites

  • Leo Papadopoulos clarified confusing meeting invites and that we are going back to the WebEx links for these meetings.
  • We agreed that this standard would NOT be just for the financial industry and that we would try to make it generic so that it can be used outside of finance.
  • We agreed that the standard would use extensions for proprietary fields. The main key value pairs would be generic.
10 minReview documentation work from Vitor Espindola
  • Vitor Espindola did a lot of research on how to document this standard so that we can all collaborate in a consistent format. His notes are at the bottom of the meeting notes from the previous meeting here: CMS-WS Meeting Minutes 2019-01-21
  • In the end the following decisions were made:
    1. We would use JSON Schema to document the specification. (See this interesting tutorial: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/json/json_schema.htm)
    2. We would likely use the tool that Vitor Espindola found to convert this to markdown. https://github.com/adobe/jsonschema2md
    3. We will continue to generate example JSON which will be the format that actual metadata would take.
    4. We will abandon YAML and remove it from the repo.
  • Vitor Espindola will try to automate the generation of the MD using a CI hook in this git. We may need help from FINOS on this. Not sure what access rights are needed to do this.
  • Tom Schady mentioned some good goals to keep in mind for this spec
    1. Adoption
    2. A clear standard that keeps computer science principles in mind.
    3. A future proof standard
10 minReview GIT Issues from Tom Schady and PR's from Vitor Espindola

We reviewed a few of the issues and some can be closed based on this meeting. 

Leo Papadopoulos will try to drive closure on the open issues and PR's between now and the next meeting.

5 minAOB & adjourn

Decisions Made

  • See above

Action Items

  • See above.

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