[Sample Minutes] 2019-04-01 XYZ WG Meeting Notes
Aaron Williamson
Gabriele Columbro
Maurizio Pillitu
Table of Contents
This is the same as the sample meeting agenda, just with more details filled in after the meeting. (In this example, we've created before and after pages. For an actual meeting, you'd just update the same page.)
Name | Organisation | GitHub ID (optional) |
FINOS | ||
Benny Broadside | Banco Particular | bennyb |
Corinne Castanet | MoneyMapz | corinnec |
Diane DeCante | Bank of Usonia | |
Ed Estuary | Fluvial Bank N.A. |
Whenever possible, "@-mention" attendees to insert a link to their Confluence user accounts. This enables us to automatically gather attendance data for program reporting.
Alternatively, specify a GitHub ID in the third column
Editing tips
- Include only attendees of this meeting. Do not include absent members.
- Don't use
strikethrough; regardless of the styling, each table row will count as one attendee. - Don't include any additional columns.
Outstanding Action Items
Task report
Looking good, no incomplete tasks.
Now that we have an action item (see the Action Items section below), it shows up in our report.
Time | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call | ||
10 min | Review action items from previous meetings (see above) | ||
20 min | Discussion and vote on implementation of recombobulator widget | Benny Broadside | The group discussed whether the recombobulator widget should be implemented using Clojure or oCaml. A vocal minority argued that oCaml was the more elegant solution. A motion was made to officially approve Clojure. The vote passed with 4 votes in favor, 1 against, and 0 abstentions. |
20 min | Presentation of v0.1 decombobulator API | Corinne Castanet | Corinne Castanet presented the specification for v0.1 of the decombobulator API. The group discussed whether a method should be added to pre-decombobulate, but decided by consensus to add it tentatively to the roadmap for v0.2 and check in at the next meeting after further testing. |
5 min | AOB & adjourn |
Your notes on each agenda item should include:
- A one-sentence summary of the matter discussed
- Any significant positions/proposals put forward (one sentence each)
- A record of any decisions made or actions taken. Record any votes taken, including: # of votes in favor, against, and abstentions
Decisions Made
- Clojure will be used to implement the recombobulator widget.
- Pre-decombobulation will be pushed to the roadmap for v0.2 of the decombobulator API, pending further testing.
List anything the group decided on by consensus or vote. For votes, include the number of votes for and against, and abstentions.
Action Items
- Benny Broadside: create a repository for the Clojure recombobulator widget
- Corinne Castanet: add pre-decombobulator functionality to the v0.2 roadmap
List any tasks assigned during the meeting, using the "task list" format. These can then be automatically aggregated using the "Task Report" macro.
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