2020-07-13 kdb+ Project Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes status: Draft (pending approval)

Table of Contents


  • July 13th, 2020. 10am ET


NameOrganisationGithub IDĀ 
Alvin ShihMorgan Stanleyalvin-c-shih
Aaron DaviesMorgan Stanleyadavies42
Peter GyorokMorgan Stanleygyorokpeter
Jonny PressAquaQ Analyticsjonnypress
Gary DaviesAquaQ Analyticsdrgdavies


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll call.


5 minReview and approve minutes from last meeting.All
  • Approved by acclamation.
10 min

Branding discussion.

  • "Programs" disbanded.
  • Project name change.
  • Projects get their own icon.
15 min

"Studio for kdb+" updates.

  • Gradle refers to external repos (JFreeChart, etc.)
    • Probably need something different to build inside the banks.
  • Someone at Morgan Stanley working on icons.
  • Rob Underwood (Deactivated) sought clarification that the icons are being developed on Morgan Stanley equipment and could be contributed under existing CCLA.
    • This appears to be the case.
  • The new contributor will be guided through the internal process to be authorized to push to GitHub.
  • Contribution of SVG-based icons would have advantages:
    • More like source code.
    • Scalable. (MacOS supports icon images up to 1024x1024.)
10 min

Any utility functions you want to contribute?

  • .finos.???.assert[...]?
  • No suggestions.
10 mins

FINOS Open Developer Platform

Feature Update

  • Meeting Minutes Using GitHub Issues
  • FINOS Metrics Reporting
  • Automated CLA Community Invites
James McLeod (Unlicensed)
  • Pending Decision forĀ Alvin Shih and project team: If/when Kdb project should move to new ODP Github issue format for meeting agenda/meeting minutes.
    • Benefits include:
      • Reduce context switching between Wiki / Jira.
      • Easier to link to issues.
      • James McLeod (Unlicensed) described the "Automated CLA Community Invites" feature which automatically invites people named on CCLAs to the FINOS Github Org.
      • Can assign people to teams.
  • Question was asked if existing meetings in the confluence wiki (i.e., here; these minutes are an example) would be migrated over.
    • James McLeod (Unlicensed) andĀ Maurizio Pillitu responded that they will not and that such migration could/would risk inaccurate numbers on the metrics database.
    • If/when migration happens, all meeting minutes to date would state in the Confluence wiki.
  • Markdown has most of the basic formatting required.
    • Nested bullets, etc.

5 minAOBAll

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