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Read the FINOS security vulnerabilities responsible disclosure document to know how security incidents are managed across FINOS projects. Use WhiteSource to configure your FINOS project for automated scanning.

In order to assess SecurityQuality and /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530375 of software hosted by the Foundation, project leads and committers can configure integrations with third-party systems that are provided by the Foundation; the result of these processes can be published in the project's documentation to improve the final consumer experience and when /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530376.

Below is the list of code validation systems currently available, ordered by features and languages supported.

Below is a matrix of features and languages.

Legal compliance
Check libraries for problematic/undefined licensesWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSource
Generates legal reportsWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSource
Scans code for security vulnerabilitiesCoverityScanSonarCloud 
CodeClimateCoverityScan, SonarCloudCodeClimate, NodeSecuritySonarCloud
Check libraries for security vulnerabilitiesWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSource, /wiki/spaces/FDX/pages/75530297WhiteSource
Measures test coverageSonarCloud
Check libraries for bugsWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSource/wiki/spaces/FDX/pages/75530297WhiteSource
Check libraries for outdated versionsWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSource/wiki/spaces/FDX/pages/75530297WhiteSource
Check unused libraries

Check libraries for release activityWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSourceWhiteSource
Scans code for hacks and todos

Scans code for bad practicesCoverityScan
Scans code for bugsCoverityScan

Below is the list of validation tools currently documented by the Foundation.

Project compliance scan

We are working to align these checks with our Project Support Guidelines, read more on

FINOS have developed a tool that scans all the GitHub repositories across all FINOS orgs and generates a report based on the following quality and compliance validations:

Code is publicly available on, the command to invoke is check-project-repos.

Reporting via GitHub Issues

In order to deliver these reports directly to the teams, the Open Developer Platform have developed a GitHub Action that uses metadata-tool to generate the project reports and submits a GitHub Issue for each GitHub repository where validation problems were spotted; the issue will include a detailed description of the validation done and point the reader on how to resolve it.

This is an example of auto-generated issue for project compliance.

GitHub Action can be found in the ODP GitHub repo.

Ignoring validations

There may be corner cases, for example repositories that contain data don't need whitesource integration. In those cases, it is possible to define a .finos-blueprint.json file in the root folder, with the following structure:

  "ignore" : [

Exporting to CSV

Here's a useful command to transform the metadata-tool JSON output in CSV.

cat finos-repo-validation.json| jq -r '.[] | [.org, .["repo-name"], .validations["has-admin"], .validations["has-user"], .validations["no-teams"], .validations["no-issues"], .validations["no-issue-templates"], .validations["no-contributing"], .validations["no-code-conduct"], .validations["notice-nok"], .validations["no-notice"], .validations["no-readme"], .validations["no-description"], .validations["is-archivable"], .validations["readme-nok"], .validations["no-badge"], .validations["wrong-badge"], .validations["repo-not-on-file"], .validations["no-whitesource"]] | @csv'