Minutes Status: Drafted


Friday, August 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time


NameOrganisationGithub IDFDC3 PMC Member
Nicholas KolbaOpenFinnkolba
Jonathan TeperJPM

Riko EksteenAdaptiverikoe
Tim KoleckeCitadeltkolecke
Former user (Deleted)Refinitv

Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSbrooklynrob(foundation)
Tosha EllisonFINOStoshaellison(foundation)
Aitana MyohlFINOSaitana16(foundation)

PMC Committee Members Absent

Open action items

Discussion items

5 minRoll call


5 minReview of previous minutes and open actionsgroup
10 minReview new Issues and PRsRiko Eksteen
5 minWG Chair changesNicholas Kolba
5 minUse Cases and Technical WG Crossover meetingsgroupthis was raised in Context & Intents WG yesterday.  Proposal would be to set up a quarterly (in person?) meeting to discuss proposed use cases and vet from a technical implementation standpoint.
25 minOKR Strategy & PlanningNicholas Kolba
Let's create actions to begin executing against our OKRs.
Demonstrate business transformation with significant adoption of FDC3 in 2019
  • Demonstrate business transformation, as measured by qualitative metrics (5 testimonials from adopters) and quantitative metrics (50,000 completed interop workflows)
  • Survey of FDC3 participants showing
    • 100% of contributing participants adopted FDC3 in production or in flight on adoption
    • Over 50% of all participants with adoption or in flight

Next steps: list of questions + mailing list

Ensure a sustainable level of engagement with the community
  • 0 unplanned meeting cancelations in Q4
  • All WG chairs communicate with their WG at least once a week through email, GitHub, or confluence
  • PRs and issues being filed for all WGs between meetings
5 minAOBNicholas KolbaRob Underwood (Deactivated)
  • Approve making changes to FDC3 POP (an amended POP) akin to changes made to Standard POP, including unification of working group and projects concepts
    • OR, alternatively, adopt the 
  • Proposal to host webinar-like calls

Action items

Tasks and Asks