2017-11-9 Meeting notes

Table of Contents



5 minConvene & roll call

55 min


  • Quick review/update on confluence changes and goals.  Looking for agreement
  • Coverage mapping (work)
  • Fishing for Extensions API direction and leadership
  • Test coverage for all bindings – how do we verify?
  • Call for use case examples to help our community
  • Namespace conventions – are people aware? Any impacts?


Former user (Deleted)

See below

Action items

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.

Add new action items here.


BNY MellonN
Dhilip BuddhaBlackRock


Kashik ChaubalBlackRockN
David DengCitiN
At-Large MemberY
Symphony LLCN
Morgan StanleyY
Anton KozyrBlackRockN
BNY MellonN
JP MorganN
Symphony LLCN
Barun PatnayakCitiN
JP MorganN
IHS MarkitY
Symphony Software FoundationN
Symphony Software FoundationN

Meeting notes

  • Minimal attendance 
  • All agreed to confluence changes after clarification on Extensions API applicability.  Extensions API should be viewed as a focus on use cases and examples, but could include discussion on existing limitations and improvements.
  • Discussion revolved on best way to represent use cases that can be referenced, maintained and provide clear examples using different language bindings. 
    • Agreed that we should create a new repo called "Symphony-by-Example" which would provide a combination of documentation and code examples
    • We should leverage the simple markdown construct from Bruce Skingle (Deactivated) project 
    • Initial focus should be on publishing any existing content vs figuring out best structure. 
    • Recommend examples are represented by deep links to supported repostories that maintain work.  This doesn't prevent anyone from publishing new examples directly within the project.
    • The new repo is not limited to the REST API or Extension API projects, but can be used as a general purpose cook book of sorts.
  • End of the meeting focused on followups related to followups on namespace proposal and test coverage for bindings.

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