Other Actions
- Working GroupProject's home page: confirm that the initial roster is accurate, and update if needed
- Working GroupProject's home page: fill in the Working Group the Project charter
- Working GroupProject's home page: document any requirements for community members to become participants in the Working Group the Project (the Foundation recommends not placing any restrictions on passive / listen-only participation). If there aren't any, remove that heading from the page.
- Working Group Project mailing list: review membership of the group's mailing list on Google Groups, and confirm that the initial roster is correct
- Working Group meetingsProject meetings: determine the group's preferred meeting schedule (the Foundation recommends either biweekly or monthly, in the afternoon GMT / midday US-Eastern / morning US-Pacific)
- Working Group meetingsProject meetings: request Foundation infrastructure (if needed) to support these calls, by raising a HELP issue or sending an email to
- Working Group meetingsProject meetings: document the details of the Working Groupthe Project's meeting schedule and dial in information on the Working Groupthe Project's home page
- Prepare an agenda for the first Working Group first Project meeting here on Confluence, using the "Meeting Minutes" page template to create a new page underneath the meeting minutes page the Foundation created for you
{"serverDuration": 152, "requestCorrelationId": "badf84f5cd8c43cc844129cc1263ba8f"}