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proposal, incorporating feedback from the RFC, was approved at the July 17th 2019 Board Meeting. FINOS is in the process of rolling out the new lifecycle in our public documentation and projects. See Process below. |
Proposed Lifecycle Checklists
The table below presents a consolidate checklist for PMC and contributors to guide the decision to accept a new contribution (into Incubation, all Projects come into incubating state) and to drive Projects towards activation (a gate signaling higher maturity to consumers). Its meant to supersede current criteria scattered between the /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/83034172, /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530363 and /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530376 pages:
Incubation (contribution to Incubating state) | Activation (promotion to Active State) | |
What it means for consumers? | The Project is at early stages of maturity, across quality, community dynamics and value. | The Project is high quality, mature from a codebase and community dynamics perspective. The Project produces valuable releases to solve a useful business problem for our Community. |
What it means for the Project Team? | All Projects enter in Incubating state so this is a good checklist for a new contribution which contributors and PMCs can use to discuss approval of a new Project. | Glory in the Community Increased visibility and positioning in FINOS web resources, marketing and Community building efforts like meetups, blog posts, etc. |
Development Process | The current contributor(s) commit to adopt a development process suitable for distributed development -- i.e., well established ways of working in successful open source projects, like automated builds, CI/CD and maintaining a public backlog of issues. Access and support for the FINOS Open Developer Platform (ODP) is offered free of charge to all Project Teams for this purpose. | The Project adopts best-of-breed standards of distributed software development, including but not limited to:
If Project Team choses not to use the FINOS provided Open Developer Platform (ODP), a comparable SDLC should be adopted and made available. |
Build & Release | If pre-existing software is contributed and there is a build process required to make software work, that build should work successfully as documented using publicly available artifacts. | The Project code/documentation release process automated or at lest well documented. If code is published, publicly redistributed release binaries should be listed or referred to in the documentation (e.g. under the FINOS namespace in an artifact repository or package manager, e.g. NPM, Maven Central, etc.) |
Security | No high or critical vulnerabilities are discovered by scanning systems during FINOS contribution due diligence or they are resolved before the code base is brought into FINOS. |
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Documentation | The README.md must include a description of the idea or how to use and build any pre-existing contributed software | The README.md must include or reference up to date:
Community | The Project Team seeks more contributions, as well as wider adoption and feedback; the Project has a good idea of tasks (e.g. "good first issue) for new contributors to work on. | Project has active participation from 2+ independent individuals and/or organizations; Ideally Project Team members who make contributions in connection with their employment are doing do as part of their regular job duties. |
Project Team | One or more initial contributors, agree to form the initial Project Team (with a named Project Team Lead who will sit on the PMC) and are able to further maintain the code base and work with prospective contributors. | Project Team has/have demonstrated active involvement in PMC and have demonstrated commitment to furthering overall Program goals |
License | Project is Apache v2 licensed or one of the /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530255. If your Project uses another license please get in touch with the FINOS Legal team. | Project must not have dependencies which effectively restrict how the project may be distributed or deployed and must not depend on any proprietary third-party components for their core functionality. |
Trademark | Contributors choose a different name for the contributed Project or commit to transfer to FINOS the original contribution trademark and all related assets (web domains, websites, etc). | Community is using a different established Project name or original contribution trademark is owned by FINOS. All Project related websites and assets are owned and hosted by FINOS. |
Progress | New Projects might involve existing code, but can also be an idea or proof of concept which gets developed and accelerate in the Open. | Project has progressed against its public roadmap during incubation; roadmap is aligned with, and where applicable incorporated into, the overall program roadmap or backlog |
Versioning | Projects releases versions below 1.0.0 (or equivalent based on existing number scheme used in project). | Project software is production grade and ready for large scale consumption. 1.0.0 version was released and announced it to the /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/77955298. |
Roadmap | The Project Team commits to building and working towards a public roadmap, aligned with the overall program Roadmap. | Projects share and work to a public roadmap, aligned with the overall program roadmap. |
FINOS Support | The Project Team can work with FINOS to identify areas where they may need further help and support form the Community and the FINOS team | Project Team is largely self-sufficient, requiring minimal operational support from FINOS to govern the /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530309. FINOS support switches to strategic growth of the Project in the Community. |
Usefulness | The contributed code or idea has the potential to be useful to end users and organizations in the financial industry (even if the code base / project is not neccesarily finance-specific) | The Project demonstrably solves a real life use case in the Community. Evidence of adoption beyond the contributing individuals or firms (e.g., in the form of download statistics, listing known deployments or implementations, etc.) |
Status Badging | Project Team is ready to adopt the /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530363 in the README.md once contribution is approved | Project Team commits to adopt the FINOS |
Compliance | Before or during contribution, Project should work with the FINOS team to comply with the FINOS /wiki/spaces/FINOS/pages/75530375, including LICENSE, NOTICE and CONTRIBUTING files are present and correct. | The appropriate license text is included in each source file's header. See details and template |
Community Inquiries | The project team commits to answer to Community inquiries on the project channels (mailing lists, issues and pull requests, etc) | Community inquiries on the project channels (mailing lists, issues and pull requests, etc) are generally promptly answered |
Meeting Hygiene | If the Project holds meetings, the Project Team commits to preparing and distributing agenda and as meeting minutes in accordance to guidelines to run good meetings. | If the project meets regularly on-line, the Project Team has demonstrated a track record of publishing and distributing agenda no less than 24 hours before the meeting, and publishes meeting minutes after calls. |
Transparency | Project Team commits to work with FINOS to implement a transparent governance model(*) and publish a roadmap for the project towards activation. | Project Team has adopted a transparent governance model(*) consistent with FINOS Community governance. Work for new contributors is organized into issues within a public issue tracking system, as appropriate, tagged as "Good First Issues" |
(*) transparent governance model is when a project’s discussions, minutes, deliberations, project plans, issue tracking plans for new features, and other artifacts are open, public, and easily accessible in the FINOS Project Infrastructure or FINOS sanctioned external system.