or based on application discovery will request focus by publishing a message to the application. For thick client communication the java and .net adapters are needed. The toolbar The toolbar helps to present a unified and consistent interface across all desktop financial applications.
Also would like to present and launch from a list of desktop applications from internal company departments using the FDC3 application directory.
Workflow 2:
Create a heartbeat mechanism to discover active desktop applications. All desktop applications will periodically publish a heartbeat message request and subscribers are informed. Subscribers may display an icon representing up/down status and versioning of all desktop applications running under the openfin runtime mesh.
Workflow 3 :
Many financial companies already have a lot of existing thick client code that can be re-used whenever an action is performed. As an example a thin client alerting window could be
created which displays a number of alerts for a set of asset classes. Each entry could contain action buttons which when clicked would publish a message tot to the appropriate thick
client application to handle the action. The action may start with validating the action request and display a dialog which ultimately sends a command to an OMS service to handle the operation.