WhiteSource bot scans devDependencies, but shouldn't
Acceptance Criteria
- 17 Sep 2019, 10:19 AM
- 17 Sep 2019, 10:08 AM
- 12 Sep 2019, 10:37 AM

Maurizio Pillitu September 17, 2019 at 10:19 AMEdited
It worked! Thanks a lot @Ronen Soreq.
I've scanned through the full WhiteSource library inventory, and dev dependencies are not being pulled.
Marking this issue as solved.

Ronen Soreq September 15, 2019 at 3:35 PMEdited
Hi @Maurizio Pillitu,
Update the NPM to run the pre-step (npm install), so the NPM gets built before the scan
#npm.runPreStep=true > npm.runPreStep=true
Share the debug log so I can have a better view : add “log.Level=debug” to WS configuration file

James McLeod September 13, 2019 at 1:19 PM
Hi all - I suggest setting up a WebEx and debugging whilst sharing the screen. Let me know if this is acceptable and I’ll setup the session?

Maurizio Pillitu September 12, 2019 at 10:38 AM
Thanks @Ronen Soreq!
GitHub default configuration includes Dev Dependencies (UA configuration excludes Dev Dep)
Ok, that explains. But at this point, I'm unsure about the default configuration of the agent. Are these commented values representing the agent default values? Or the opposite values?
I updated https://github.com/finos/cla-bot/blob/develop/.whitesource to reflect the changes you proposed and the agent config points to a location on https://github.com/finos/contrib-toolbox/blob/master/finos-whitesource-agent.config .
As soon as I updated it, the WhiteSource scanning was triggered on the CLA Bot, which now shows 1 library in the WhiteSource dashboard (see screenshot), however, there are 7 direct dependencies in the project, see https://github.com/finos/cla-bot/blob/develop/package.json#L29-L37
Do you know why? Can you help us debugging this, maybe reproducing the issue by forking the repo and playing with configuration?

Ronen Soreq September 12, 2019 at 9:57 AM
Hi @Maurizio Pillitu
GitHub default configuration includes Dev Dependencies (UA configuration excludes Dev Dep)
You may change the default behavior by updating the configuration (link below)
Parameter | Description |
configMode | The configuration mode to be used for each scan. There are three options:
configExternalURL | The URL of the external configuration file (you can choose any filename). The configuration file should be in the same format as the Unified Agent configuration file. |
projectToken | Adds the ability to map a GitHub repository to an existing WhiteSource project. The parameter used needs to be the WhiteSource project token. |


See https://github.com/finos/cla-bot/issues/153
eslint-5.2.0 is part of devDependencies and therefore this should not trigger the creation of an issue.
The .whitesource configuration in the cla-bot project is the default one, therefore npm.includeDevDependencies should be false (as default).