2016-01-20 - ESCo - Meeting Minutes

2016-01-20 - ESCo - Meeting Minutes




10minMailing lists / communications
  • ESCo agreed to communicate (and vote when appropriate) using the esco-private mailing list (archive here, requires Foundation login and membership)
  • ESCo deferred the need to create an esco-public list for now. To be re-evaluated. 
  • ESCo agreed with the creation of a members-private (archive here, requires Foundation login and membership)
  • ESCo recommended the usage of Symphony Public POD for general Foundation users and developers communications. Symphony Users and Symphony Dev moderated moderated chatrooms will be created.
  • ESCo discussed the possibility of using Symphony for BOD members communications. This will be re-evaluated when full cross pod 1-N functionality will be made available.

10minWorking Groups
  • ESCo agreed to activate the BOD approved working groups on Financial Objects Standardization and Wrapper / Desktop APIs. Gabriele Columbro will take action and reach out to Foundation members seeking for candidatures for participants and chairs.
  • ESCo agreed that the timeline for candidature should be by the 31/01/2016 and that working groups should initially focus on defining a clear charter to be presented for validation to the BOD meeting on 25/02/2016
  • Lawrence Miller recommended - and ESCo agreed - inclusivity in the formation of the working groups and suggested:
    • the possibility of having co-chairs if multiple candidatures are received
    • that neither Symphony LLC or Goldman Sachs should chair those working groups, to ensure active member representation
  • Formation of additional working groups (e.g. common use cases to be developed under the Foundation umbrella) were deferred to be discussed in the next ESCo meeting.
5minESCo voting process
  • ESCo agreed that voting can happen during ESCo meetings or offline via the esco-private mailing list.
5minESC Community Members
  • ESCo agreed to validate community engagement before nominating ESC community members
  • ESCo agreed that Foundation engagement and active adoption of the Symphony Software are key requirements to be nominated ESC community member
  • Lawrence Miller brought up the idea of potentially having the ESCo changed in two separate sub-groups, one more related to standardization and another more architectural / API related
20minOpen sourcing and contribution of Symphony Software
  • John Stecher brought up the topic and the strong interest for his organization to start contributing to the Symphony code, both in terms of integrations, but also bug fixes and new features. He also underlined that there's currently a perception that Symphony source code access is provided only to some selected members. The Symphony Members confirmed that instead Symphony software access is currently provided to members on demand.
  • Mike Harmon discussed how there are required efforts to prepare the code for contributions (including licensing and a Blackduck check to ensure upstream dependencies are compatible with the Apache v2 license), but that his objective is to contribute sooner rather than later.
  • Lawrence Miller brought up that the softwareviability vote (which would trigger a 6 months countdown for contribution) has not happened yet in the Symphony LLC board
  • Gabriele Columbro recapped the required steps for contribution
    1. Symphony Foundation basic infrastructure, IP governance and processes should be in place. This is expected to be ready by March, after 25/02 BOD meeting.
    2. Symphony LLC BOD needs to vote and approve the contribution, its scope and which parts of the software will remain Symphony proprietary IP
    3. Technical improvements are required to ensure the code is in a clean state for contribution
  • ESCo suggested to start two parallel tracks:
    1. Gabriele Columbro & Mike Harmon to start building a plan of what needs to happen for Symphony to be ready to contribute
    2. ESCo to define acceptance criteria for contributions

Action items

  • ESCo members: Check whether archive is visible with corporate email address
  • Gabriele Columbro: Create conference rooms for symphony-dev / symphony-users (access should be moderated) 
  • Gabriele Columbro:  Reach out to members for working groups candidature (10 days deadline + clear responsibilities)
  • Gabriele Columbro: Check in bylaws who nominate working groups member
  • Gabriele Columbro / Mike Harmon: start working on a plan for Symphony readiness to open source and contribute 
  • ESCO members: define criteria of acceptance for Symphony contribution

Deferred (to next meeting)

  • Gab: bring up 1 missing Board Lead + 2 missing Member leads in ESCo, as per bylaws
  • Decide on naming of github / Maven groupId / domain --> Anyone against symphonyoss?
  • Discuss potential bylaws changes (Per project committers (initial + added by vote), PMC, Representation in the ESCo / Board)

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