2018-11-08 Meeting notes
Table of Contents
Thursday, 2018-11-08. 08:30 (EST)
Name | Organisation |
Leslie Spiro | Glue42 |
Georgi Georgiev | Glue42 |
Anton Nikolaev | DB |
Outstanding Action Items
Time (mins) | Item | Who | Notes from the Meeting |
0 minutes | Review action items from previous meeting | Group | None this is the first WG meeting. |
5 minutes | Agree name of Interop API | Leslie Spiro | Proposal is The API is not really restricted to desktops, but there are concerns that FINOS Interop API is too general. So continue with FINOS Desktop Interop API. |
20 mins | Review the API | Leslie Spiro | The API is defined in finos-plexus.github.io All participants are familiar with the API, and have produced implementations and it is therefore passed as V1. After ratification discussions on next version can start. |
10 mins | Agree Ratification process for the WG | Leslie Spiro | Default Ratification process is at https://www.finos.org/hubfs/FINOS/governance/FINOS%20Default%20Program%20Operations%20Policy%202018-02-02.pdf Look at FDC3 process for a more formal structure https://finosfoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/160104463/FDC3%20Ratification%20Process.pdf?api=v2 Discussion of future ratification process will be postponed until the next WG meeting. In the meantime this WG will continue with the default FINOS Operations Policy. |
10 mins | If appropriate take ratification vote. | Leslie Spiro | All participants voted to ratify the current API as V1.0 of the FINOS Desktop Interop API. |
5 mins | Agree next meeting | WG meeting schedule will be discussed next week at the FINOS OSS event and then discussed via the e-mail list. | |
5 mins | AOB & adjourn | Leslie Spiro | Leslie Spiro check if the meeting was quorate or not, and reschedule for early next week if required. |
Decisions Made
The FINOS Desktop Interop API presented was approved for ratification.
Action Items
- Leslie Spiro - fill agenda above
- Leslie Spiro - check if meeting was quorate.
- Leslie Spiro - present the decision of this meeting to ratify the FINOS Desktop Interop API to the PMC.
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