2018-11-08 Meeting notes

2018-11-08 Meeting notes

Table of Contents


Thursday, 2018-11-08. 08:30 (EST)


Leslie SpiroGlue42

Georgi Georgiev

Anton NikolaevDB

Outstanding Action Items


Time (mins)ItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
0 minutesReview action items from previous meetingGroupNone this is the first WG meeting.
5 minutesAgree name of Interop APILeslie Spiro

Proposal is
      FINOS Desktop Interop API.

The API is not really restricted to desktops, but there are concerns that FINOS Interop API is too general. So continue with FINOS Desktop Interop API.

20 minsReview the APILeslie Spiro

The API is defined in finos-plexus.github.io 

All participants are familiar with the API, and have produced implementations and it is therefore passed as V1. 

After ratification discussions on next version can start.

10 minsAgree Ratification process for the WGLeslie Spiro

Default Ratification process is at https://www.finos.org/hubfs/FINOS/governance/FINOS%20Default%20Program%20Operations%20Policy%202018-02-02.pdf

Look at FDC3 process for a more formal structure https://finosfoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/160104463/FDC3%20Ratification%20Process.pdf?api=v2

Discussion of future ratification process will be postponed until the next WG meeting. In the meantime this WG will continue with the default FINOS Operations Policy.

10 minsIf appropriate take ratification vote.Leslie SpiroAll participants voted to ratify the current API as V1.0 of the FINOS Desktop Interop API.
5 minsAgree next meetingWG meeting schedule will be discussed next week at the FINOS OSS event and then discussed via the e-mail list.
5 minsAOB & adjournLeslie SpiroLeslie Spiro check if the meeting was quorate or not, and reschedule for early next week if required.

Decisions Made

The FINOS Desktop Interop API presented was approved for ratification. 

Action Items

  • Leslie Spiro - fill agenda above
  • Leslie Spiro - check if meeting was quorate.
  • Leslie Spiro - present the decision of this meeting to ratify the FINOS Desktop Interop API to the PMC. 

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