Using Jekyll

To start with Jekyll, let's start with few simple steps:

  1. Create a docs/ folder in your repository root folder and move all the project MarkDown documentation there; typically, the existing content in gets moved (or copied) into a docs/
  2. Create a docs/_config.yml, following Jekyll configuration docs

Checkout the FDC3 ContextData microsite:

  1. docs/ folder (TODO - use master branch, when merged) in GitHub with Markdown source files
  2. the documentation website on

Running Jekyll locally

To run locally a Jekyll website, please follow the steps below.

Install a Ruby environment

It is strongly advised to use RVM or RBenv to install Ruby; below are the steps to install RVM on MacOS.

mkdir -p ~/.rvm/src && cd ~/.rvm/src && rm -rf ./rvm && \
git clone --depth 1 && \
cd rvm && ./install
rvm install 2.5.2
which bundle #Should return a .rvm sub-path
which ruby #Should return a .rvm sub-path

Install gems needed for jekyll

cd /tmp
git clone
cd slate
rm -rf .bundle
gem install jekyll-theme-slate
gem install jekyll-seo-tag
gem install jekyll-watch

Start Jekyll

cd docs/
jekyll serve --incremental

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