2019-06-10 Meeting Notes

2019-06-10 Meeting Notes

Table of Contents

Meeting Minutes Status: Approved (on 6/24/2019)


Monday, June 10, 2019 at 10:00 AM Eastern


NameOrganisationGithub ID (optional)
Mark ValeirasChartIQ
Christian HallChartIQchristian-ciq
Rob SchmidtChartIQ
Johan SanderssonFactSetdonbasuno
Leslie SpiroTick42lspiro-Tick42
Evgeny KovalyovRefinitivzhenyakovalyov
Vinod MehtaFactSet


Omkar PallothuBofA
Riko EksteenAdaptive
Aitana MyohlFINOSaitana16
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSbrooklynrob
Ben GoldWellington


Outstanding Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Johan Sandersson to look at how we can link between intents and use cases in FDC3 website documentation
Johan Sandersson2020-02-13 Meeting Notes
Riko Eksteen2019-10-10 Meeting Notes


TimeItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
5 minConvene & roll callTim Kolecke
5 minApprove minutes from previous meetingGroupMinutes approved.
5 minHousekeepingTim KoleckeGoogle groups consolidation
15 minReview action items from previous meetings

Discussed coordinating releases of NPM packages across groups/contributors (e.g. JSON schema)

Instrument and Contact context types:

  • See github repo for examples
  • Proposal made to ratify FDC3 use of Financial Objects (FO) types and bringing over from FO, especially around Instrument which is already defined/proposed
  • Evolved into a discussion of specific aspects of type definitions such as the casing of attribute names
  • DECISION FO PMC to define: Shape of data: fields, names of fields, optionality, primitive types, but not the casing.

15 minDemo FDC3 standardsLeslie Spiro
Tim Kolecke

Tim demoed an example of a working desktop that transferred an Instrument object traversing from one app to another.

Leslie discussed their FDC3 implementation (no demo ready this meeting) and having both use of Instrument and its use in intents.

PlexusLeslie SpiroDiscussion of whether/how the Plexus program might be moved/reconciled into FDC3. Plexus is more about sophisticated interop vs. specifically about one side knowing about the other. No intent for Plexus to be an FDC3 element...Plexus is seen as having a different (wider) scope. Discussion still open. 

Johan SanderssonDiscussion of "channels" behavior as a possible proposal. Sounds like it doesn't sit in Intents and Context WG. API WG will discuss.
5 minAOB & adjournTim Kolecke

Decisions Made

  • FDC3 casing, etc. in Context types to be decided w/in FDC3 (Financial Object PMC to define: Shape of data: fields, names of fields, optionality, primitive types, but not the casing).

Action Items

Capture any actions that were identified here, and make sure they are also captured on the group's task page during, or immediately after, the meeting


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