2020-01-09 Steering Committee Minutes for Data Helix Project
Alan Froggatt
Andrew Carr
Anthony Welsh
Clement Lee
Colin Eberhardt
David Withers
Ryan Stuart
Simon Laing
Susan Thomson
Matt Richards
Will Salt
Discussion of current position
Generator is at version 1
Available as a download from GitHub only
Profiler is closed-source, but functions well at present
Clement to organise a demo for 15th Jan
Discussion of potential features for the suite of products (DataHelix)
Produce relational data
For relational databases, e.g. SQL server
As documents for No-SQL databases, e.g. ElasticSearch
Usability & distribution improvements
Distribute the generator via more means, e.g. Chocolatey, apt-get, etc.
Research the most appropriate ones
Consider the introduction of a script to save java -jar …
Promote via a (series of) blog posts, that showcase a problem being solved
Apply achievable suggestions from Paul Dykes
Polish the product more to make it more usable out-of-the-box
Ability to integrate with API’s
Closely (if not entirely) related to No-SQL relational data
Integration with other tools/components/languages (e.g. Python)
Meaningful trends and distributions of data
May be required to some degree for relational data
Open source the profiler
Produce data to train AI models
Suggested that this may not be possible (or appropriate) for the generator
Integration with testing frameworks
E.g. Provide test data for Junit/NUnit integration tests
Profile UI (and editor)
Can help with promotion to have one big ticket item per release
Top 3 voted ‘features’ were:
Relational data
But in a phased and achievable approach
Usability & distribution improvements
Open sourcing the profiler
Simon & Andrew to work through blog posts and things to showcase
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