Table of Contents


 11:00am ET

WebEx Information:

WebEx URL: https://finos.webex.com/finos/j.php?MTID=m653d63e8b159f145090e663526ecbcd8
Audio connection: +1-240-454-0879 (USA Toll)
Meeting number: 667 021 807
Host key: 293457

WebEx Host: DevOps FINOS Room / Saori Fotenos

Scribe: TBD week to week

Start-End: 11-12 am ET
Recurrence: Every 2 weeks on Thursday



Ben Gold

Green Key
Aaron WilliamsonFINOSRecording Secretary (Director of Governance, FINOS)
Adam LancasterTiick42
Johan SanderssonFact Set
Former user (Deleted)

Leslie Spiro

Former user (Deleted)

Tosha EllisonFINOS(Director of Member Success, FINOS)
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOS(Director of Programs, FINOS)

Action Items

Tasks Identified and Assigned

Overall Working Group Open Task List

Decisions Made

2 minCommence Meeting & Select Scribe groupAaron Williamson volunteered to be scribe
4 minReview minutes from last meeting (9/6) and approvegroupGroup agreed by acclamation to defer voting on 9/6 votes until next meeting, at which time meeting minutes for 9/6 and 9/20 (these minutes) will be reviewed and presented for approval.
3 minReviewing open action itemsgroupKat marked the open item related to voting as complete
1 minHousekeeping: Board Update, Meetup, OSSFRob U

Ben Gold from Wellington introduced himself. 

Rob Underwood mentioned that PMC program updates are due Tuesday

10 minOverview of approved FDC3 voting processgroup

Standards Ratification Process

  • Saori
    • It's very important that everyone reads these carefully
    • Saori: What is this?
    • We realized we need a process to govern how we approve standards, including how we approve items like use cases
    • We realized that some of the steps required for other forms of technical standards were not needed to do approval of use cases
    • What we do need to do for use cases that we approve we need to present to the general meeting 
  • Kat: I had a question → how do we want to manage this? Once it is approved, for each of the use cases, we will change the document status to "approved" going forward?
  • Johan: How is that changed?
  • Saori: I would suggest that the person that originally 
  • Rob: When you change status please use the "What did you change?" field to reflect the vote itself related to the status change.
20 min

Next steps in use cases process

  • Confirm ownership
  • Presentation to PMC and other WGs


Voting Approvals

Use Case 1

  • Google Groups vote: All voted yes but Jonathan Teper, who voted to do "in review"

  • I think we have acceptance. Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 1 was accepted.

Use Case 2

  • Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 2 was accepted.

Use Case 3

  • Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 3 was accepted.

Use Case 4

  • 4 votes

    • 3 votes to approve

    • 1 in review – uncertainty for the workflow comment from Johan. "It's the end application that is doing the work; I'm not sure where the interop functionality comes in"

      • Leslie: This use case in talking about where/how to inject own credit checking system

    • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 4 was accepted.

Use Case 5

  • Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 5 was accepted.

Use Case 6

  • Leslie: Needs to also consider situation where the app is already running
  • Aaron: You might also set a date and action item for a 2nd vote to make it more likely to clearly reject/pass; or also create an expiration process
  • Saori moved to keep in review

Use Case 7

  • Google Group: 2 votes to reject, 1 to approve

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to reject t this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 7 was rejected.

Use Case 8

  • Google Group: 

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to keep in review Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 8 was kept in review

Use Case 9

  • Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 9 was accepted.

Use Case 10

  • Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 10 was accepted

Use Case 13

  • Google Group: 

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 13 was accepted

Use Case 14

  • Google Group: 

  • at made motion by acclamation to keep in review Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 14 was kept in review

Use Case 15

  • Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept

  • Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 15 was accepted

Next Steps

  • These need to presented at the next general meeting

Use "announce@" to share use cases beyond FDC3?

15 minOverview of Use Case template to be used going forwardTom

Tom showed where the use case template would be in confluence. See screeshot below:

Tom then walked through the specific sections of the use case. See following screen shot:

Tom mentioned that Maurizio Pillitu has enabled a polling function to do voting on the use cases. 

Tom showed how a use cases table could be created, and could be used to process a larger list of use case items

  • "The table is a simple key value store"

Tom walked through the poll modal:

Leslie: Can you add a reason for rejecting?

  • Tom: can't do that directly yet

Tom: the power comes from the page properties report – anything you'd like to search and sort on

Saori: Everyone needs to add the page properties macro.

Johan: Do we need to add an owner? or can we assume it's the author? What is the person drop off?

5 minAOBgroup

No other business to note. 

Leslie: Use Cases will be presented, and the other WGs will be told they need to respond.

  • Kat offered to draft something for the next stage in the process; next general meeting October 2