Group agreed by acclamation to defer voting on 9/6 votes until next meeting, at which time meeting minutes for 9/6 and 9/20 (these minutes) will be reviewed and presented for approval. Kat agreed to include links in the next email to the group.
3 min
Reviewing open action items
Kat marked the open item related to voting as complete.
1 min
Housekeeping: Board Update, Meetup, OSSF
Rob U
Ben Gold from Wellington introduced himself as a developer on the portfolio manager/investment side working on Wellington's integration with OpenFin. He said he'd just joined the group and would be working through the WG meeting notes to catch up.
Rob Underwood mentioned that PMC program updates are due Tuesday 10/4. He also encouraged attendees to register for the 10/4 NYC Open Source in Fintech Event Series and the 11/14-11/15 Open Source Strategy Forum in London.
10 min
Overview of approved FDC3 voting process
Standards Ratification Process
Saori discussed the overall FDC3 voting procedures approved at the previous PMC meeting. She encouraged members to read the rules themselves and ask any questions they had. She noted that since the use cases produced by this group were not "standards" they would not go to the FDC3 leadership for a vote, but would simply be presented at the monthly FDC3 general meeting upon their approval.
Kat asked how approved use cases would be marked and Saori suggested the original author should change the status flag on the use case upon acceptance by the WG.
Johan asked how to change the flag and Tom said that it would be via a macro that would be included in the template for use cases.
Rob suggested that when authors change the status flags, they include the date of ratification in the "What did you change?"
20 min
Next steps in use cases process
Confirm ownership
Presentation to PMC and other WGs
Voting Approvals
Use Case 1
Google Groups vote: All voted yes but Jonathan Teper, who voted to do "in review"
I think we have acceptance. Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 1 was accepted.
Use Case 2
Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 2 was accepted.
Use Case 3
Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 3 was accepted.
Use Case 4
4 votes
3 votes to approve
1 in review – uncertainty for the workflow comment from Johan. "It's the end application that is doing the work; I'm not sure where the interop functionality comes in"
Leslie: This use case in talking about where/how to inject own credit checking system
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 4 was accepted.
Use Case 5
Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 5 was accepted.
Use Case 6
Leslie: Needs to also consider situation where the app is already running
Aaron: You might also set a date and action item for a 2nd vote to make it more likely to clearly reject/pass; or also create an expiration process
Saori moved to keep in review and use case 6 was kept in review.
Use Case 7
Google Group: 2 votes to reject, 1 to approve
Kat made motion by acclamation to reject t this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 7 was rejected.
Use Case 8
Google Group: 3 approve; 2 in review; 1 reject.
Kat made motion by acclamation to keep in review Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 8 was kept in review
Use Case 9
Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 9 was accepted.
Use Case 10
Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 10 was accepted
Use Case 13
Google Group: 3 approve; 1 in review.
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 13 was accepted
Use Case 14
Google Group: 2 approve; 2 in review.
at made motion by acclamation to keep in review Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 14 was kept in review
Use Case 15
Google Group: 5 people voted; everyone voted to accept
Kat made motion by acclamation to accept this use case. Hearing no objections the motion passed and use case 15 was accepted
Next Steps
These need to presented at the next general meeting
Use "announce@" to share use cases beyond FDC3?
15 min
Overview of Use Case template to be used going forward
Tom showed where the use case template would be in confluence. See screeshot below:
Tom then walked through the specific sections of the use case. See following screen shot:
Tom mentioned that Maurizio Pillitu has enabled a polling function to do voting on the use cases.
Tom showed how a use cases table could be created, and could be used to process a larger list of use case items
"The table is a simple key value store"
Tom walked through the poll modal:
Leslie: Can you add a reason for rejecting?
Tom: can't do that directly yet
Tom: the power comes from the page properties report – anything you'd like to search and sort on
Saori: Everyone needs to add the page properties macro.
Johan: Do we need to add an owner? or can we assume it's the author? What is the person drop off?
5 min
No other business to note.
Leslie: Use Cases will be presented, and the other WGs will be told they need to respond.
Kat offered to draft something for the next stage in the process; next general meeting October 2