Table of Contents

2019-05-16 12:00pm US-EDT
Name | Organization |
Hammad Akbar | Citi |
Will Quan | JPM |
Johan Sandersson | FactSet |
Rob Underwood | FINOS |
Tosha Ellison | FINOS |
Alexandra Stratigos | FINOS |
Saravana Ramachandran | Wellington Management |
John Lin | Alliance Bernstein |
Tony Chau | UBS |
Outstanding Action Items

Time |
| Who | Notes from the Meeting |
5 min | Convene & roll call | | Intro'd John: Working more with sellside firms and wants to see what more they can do for better communication between AB & other firms. Intro'd Saravana: - 1st meeting works for Wellington mgt
- Full stack developer.
- Has been following wiki page & FO is very similar to what his team is doing internally.
- Invited another colleague to join as notetaker
- Their Metadata Team is what they call their internal FO group
10 min | Update from Members Meeting and Board of Directors meeting | Rob Underwood (Deactivated) / Tosha Ellison | - JPM & Scott Logic collaboration - data analytics display
- DB presented innersource & open source programs, OS readiness board.
- Aite group gave feedback preview from survey. Report to be distributed
- Good coverage on FDC3
- Cloud Certification program
- JPM payments connectors
- Reminder: OSSF in NY in Nov 2019
BoD Qtrly meeting review (Rob Underwood) - Program Operations focus
- Board want to know about roadmap in July mtg
- Light OKR for Programs to be presented in July
- Board discussion about contextualizing work FINOS is doing & FINOS ability to frame what’s being done through use cases & examples
10 min | RFQ Working Group Status Update and Feedback on RFQ and Order Objects | William Quan / Sid Nadella |
10 min | Update on Reference Use Cases from FDC3 program | Johan Sandersson | No FDC3 update/Johan out this week Rob feedback: - FDC3 ramping back up after 1.0 release
- FDC3 & Plexus - how do they relate to each other within FINOS?
10 min | Update on Equity OTC Use Case | Mira Pantic | Mira was not in attendance/pushed to future meeting
10 min | Update on Object Repository | Rob Underwood (Deactivated) / Maurizio Pillitu/ Tosha Ellison | FO & FDC3 discussions about what output of FO WG should be. - What should be usable/consumable.
- Shared decision was for functional or product management only.
- WG will document & publish to be reviewed but leave it to technical projects to implement those objects as they see fit.
Github page site (aka Repository) - Mao/Johan to get training together on how to use. - Make FO very legible to any participant (technical expertise or not)
- Code base itself can be implemented
- If object is changed, integrity of code base is not lost
- Show objects in as broad a form as possible
5 min | AOB & adjourn | Hammad Akbar |
Decisions Made
Action Items
- John Lin & Hammad to connect 1:1 & think through how to leverage FO WG forum
- Saravana will look at internal Wellington models & report back to group where he can contribute to FO WG
- Johan/Mao to do background work
- Rob to organize GitHub training to all WG
- Tosha to share OSSF details w/ Saravana