Minutes Status: Pending Review and Approval


Friday, June 28, 2019 at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time


NameOrganisationGithub IDAttended?
Nicholas KolbaOpenFinnkolbaY
Johan SanderssonFactSetdonbasunoY
Jonathan TeperJPM
Neil SlingerJPM
Riko EksteenAdaptiverikoeY
Tim KoleckeCitadeltkoleckeN
Frank Tarsillo (Deactivated)IHS Markit
Former user (Deleted)Refinitv
Rob Underwood (Deactivated)FINOSbrooklynrobY
Tosha EllisonFINOStoshaellisonY
Aitana MyohlFINOSaitana16Y

Open action items

Discussion items

5 minRoll Call


Attendance recorded.
5 minReview of open actionsgroupMost open actions closed, only remaining are header and licensing, website redesign work.
10 minWG cadencegroup

An idea was floated of moving all WG meetings to a single cadence and having a dedicated slot (e.g. Tuesday at 10am EST). 

Ideally have fewer meetings and more work being done via PRs and Github threads & issues. 

People on the call are very supportive. Nick will socialize this idea to other PMC members on an e-mail thread. 

A suggestion was made that it could even be quarterly.

10 min Standardizing on Github – i.e., moving to Github for collaboration infrastructure use cases like meeting minutes group

FINOS proposed moving to GitHub for all collaboration, minutes, etc (totally ditch confluence).  What do we think?

We need to plan accordingly and make sure that we have equivalent workflow tooling on Github to the one we use on confluence. Check out Github wikis

We need to have someone show how to replicate what we do currently in Confluence, e.g. a screen share/demo of Github wiki.

Educating people on how people around how the pages are structured – a problem is that FDC3 uses it a different way than FO. We should use it in a consistent way. 

Migrating existing content was discussed, and how easy/hard this would be, and whether it would be worth spending time on. FINOS would like programmes to spend time on more valuable tasks.

API Working group to pilot moving content and meeting minutes to GitHub wiki (Nicholas Kolba and Riko Eksteen), provide feedback to PMC.

Is there a good project that has used Github wiki well?

5 minWebsite designgroup

Aaron from FINOS has raised a PR: https://github.com/FDC3/FDC3/pull/96

(See https://grizzwolf.github.io/FDC3/ to see what it looks like)

PMC happy for Riko Eksteen and Nicholas Kolba to keep working with Aaron Griswold on this.

5 minHelp Wantedgroup

Help wanted for "this week in FINOS”.

It is difficult to identify "help wanted" tasks for FDC3 because it is focused on schemas, not code. Domain knowledge is really need.

FDC3 will continue to look for such opportunities.

5 minHousekeeping & Hygienegroup
  • Wiki editing permissions email from Rob
  • If/when to move off of Confluence to Github
  • Moving FDC3 Calendar invite from Nick Kolba's calendar to FINOS Programs Meetings Calendar

Wiki permissions have been fixed to only PMC members, who can add additional editors.

(See FINOS "Tasks and Asks" Google Sheet for more context, as )

20 minOKRsgroup

Set OKRs for 2019 roadmap. See FDC3 Use Cases WG OKRs. 

Objective is to increase the desktop interop API user base.

Could we adopt the use cases OKRs as FDC3 use cases, as a skeleton to get us started (FDC3 UC Working Group Objectives - 2019).

5 minAOBgroupNo other business.

Action items

Tasks and asks