Table of Contents


2019-03-07 12:00pm US-EDT


Hammad AkbarCiti
Will Quan JPM
Rich LinnellAdaptive
Johan Sandersson FactSet
Rob UnderwoodFINOS
Tosha EllisonFINOS
Alexandra (scribe)FINOS
Seth OsherHSBC

Outstanding Action Items


WhoNotes from the Meeting
5 min

Convene & roll call

20 minObject Repository - Update & Next Steps

10 minUpdate on Reference Use Cases from FDC3 programJohan Sandersson

Hammad: Asked Johan if FDC3 has kept repository site separate from working site.  Do use cases need to be on the repository site?

Johan: FDC3 has own WG for use cases so this piece is taken care of.  

  • Does FO WG want to do the same?  
  • Use cases is potentially bigger than FDC3 so maybe should be in FINOS use cases


  • Sees reference objects coming down from use cases but how would portfolio be used?  
  • What kind of use cases does FDC3 use?
  • Asked Johan if they are the same?
  • Johan  

Johan: Confirmed FDC3 use cases & FO use cases are the same. FDC3 process isn’t that detailed.  Purely desktop interoperability.

Hammad: Shouldn’t objects be the same regardless of channel?  The object itself should be common?

Johan: Agreeds but  FDC3 doesn’t want to come up with the object, just wants to import them. FDC3 doesn’t have to have a back and forth confirmation, could just be one way.

Seth: FDC3 really is based around intents.  So no copying from one application to another

Hammad: Would expect portfolio to look the same from example desktop A to desktop B.  To make systems understand and can translate, that’s where flow comes in.  What is real life scenario to demonstrate this is mapped out?

Will: Just want to set structure that objects can be used and if not, are use cases documented in FINOS construct currently?

Johan: Yes,confirmed they are in a separate menu item in public


  • How to link - will ping Mao & Tosha to help with mapping.
  • Have participants from all banks, want to bring more use cases that can empower people.  
  • Don’t want to define objects for the sake of defining.  
  • Want to define objects that can be used

Tosha: Useful to add description verbiage on the FO website for context

Johan: Adding on to linkage “thing”.  Also gets requests from technologists from FDC3 to hook into technical specification of objects.  So they don’t look on the site to figure out RFQ for rates but can look to the code on GitHub so if you write code.  FDC3 is looking to FO to build up a code repository they can be used in programing. Or if not, is FO for documentation only?


  • FO will need help with real case examples that begin to be built out.  
  • Once that real life example is shared, that example then needs to be published back into repository.
  • Doesn’t matter what format, can be team specific.  
  • But needs to be done within each of the work streams as example of how can be implemented
  • Can build different implementation but examples should be updated & in repository

Rich: His example, JPM uses JSON Schema. Doesn’t have to be JSON but works for them. Gives them ability to validate.

Hammad - Meta tags & schema are what needs to be cross checked.  

Johan: Asked Rich if he’d help him & Mao put a real JSON Schema on website by next FO meeting and Rich agreed.


  • For each work stream
  • Object definition
  • Implementation of that final object
  • If decide to be prescriptive
  • Asked Johan if on the same page

Johan:  Yes, thinks that depending on importance of object, can use currently built JSON schema

10 minRFQ Working Group Status Update and Feedback on RFQ and Order Objects


  • Working with Mario/Symphony
  • Off back of methodology, discussed RFQ uses case & how validated.  
  • Mario to join next session
  • Rate object itself is being used but still in development.  
  • Not demo-able yet but Mario will present at next FO meeting

Hammad: We should be able to demo at FO WG to share in community how object is being utilized in that flow

Johan: Are they using instrument object as identifier in rates object?  

Will: Mario will address that

Johan: Should FINOS mandate?

Hammad & Will: Not here to force anyone to use the object.  Better to define and the idea is anyone can take an object and use it in flow

Johan: But main idea that system not involved in development, you can research how the object was defined then they communicate to the community any changes of versioning

Hammad: Community involvement will be able to determine.  Mario may not be able to definitively say what works in implementation right now.  But he’ll be able to share what has been implemented. Re: FDC3 - anything more to be shared?

Johan: Just what’s on summary page.  FDC3 documentation should be rolled out end of March.

Hammad: Is something being built and shown between desktops?  Point to point? Will FDC3 have documentation that shows how implementation can happen?

Johan: Yes

Will: The base attribute foundation can be compatible with FDC3 or not?

Johan: Yes.  

10 minUpdate on Equity OTC Use CaseMira Pantic/Hammad

Update from Hammad:

  • Mira still working through defining scenario.  
  • Will continue to track that & then have Mira partner with other firms.
5 minAOB & adjourn

Hammad Akbar

Rob: Did Seth self register or reach out to help?  Wonders if FINOS is not communicating that people can self register/serve.  Asked for feedback.  

Seth was able to register but can’t edit. Rob mentioned could be entitlement issue. Seth will update wiki & GitHub sites in parallel

Hammad asked for any topics in future sessions.  No comments or requests

Decisions Made

Action Items

  1. Building use case linkage back in - Will & Mao
  2. FDC# use case examples - define reference objects & use cases to fit into this model with real life examples
  3. Johan to work with Hammad & Will to define specific scenarios
  4. Rich to look for documented schema to be codified and retrievable which can define reference objects.
  5. #4 will help build out reference site & how to integrate between 2 sites
  6. Hammad/Tosha/Will will work together to get verbiage on to the site for any new contributors
  7. Mario to join next session