- Find the Symphony.pgx file on your machine
- Rename Symphony.pgx to Symphony.zip
- Unzip
- In the file there is a background.js which is what gets bootstrapped on startup.
- There is also a appbridge.js which contains the web to native interop code - this gets loaded in to the DOM at startup. Note - not all methods are used but it will still give you an indication of how Symphony is using the container.
New Action items
- Peter Monks Notify Colin that the group, while excited to have his expertise on the group, would prefer to wait until he and/or ScottLogic are a Foundation member (which may depend on the proposed additional membership tiers) -
- Send email to group describing what we want to do and asking for volunteers for the POC projects (pre-requisite: folks must have permission from their firms to contribute) - Former user (Deleted)
- Once POC project team(s) are identified, create CONTRIB JIRAs for the POC(s) - TBD