Table of Contents
- Peter Monks to communicate WG eligibility rules to WG chairs (as part of governance refinements comms)
- Peter Monks investigate alternative voting mechanisms and report back to the ESCo
- Peter Monks: to coordinate development of a proposal for working group status reporting
- All: review project reporting proposal and provide feedback
- Former user (Deleted): work with Maurizio Pillitu to finalise CI / CD of symphony-java-client against the ODP
- Michael Harmon: draft the proposal for the new "grace period" lifecycle state
- Peter Monks: schedule an email vote to approve the new state
- Former user (Deleted): coordinate with Peter Monks to get an overview of the projects that have been delivered
- Michael Harmon: get approval to contribute the Python-based "test client" as an open source project
- All: review slides 7-14 of the 2017 objectives deck, to get a sense of the execution plan and priorities of the Foundation team
- All: review slide 15 of the 2017 objectives deck, especially the third bullet point, and plan out how your ESCo participation can be used to foster greater engagement by you / your firm
- Peter Monks: introduce Former user (Deleted) and Former user (Deleted) regarding possible Foundation marketing events
- Peter Monks: work with Former user (Deleted) to identify potential hackathon opportunities
- Former user (Deleted): come back to Former user (Deleted) with feedback on third point of proposed revisions to Desktop Wrapper WG charter
- Former user (Deleted): update the group after his conversation with Jim Adams on interoperability
- Lawrence Miller (Deactivated): send Former user (Deleted) suggested revisions to sentence structure for the revised Desktop Wrapper WG charter
- Former user (Deleted): invite Jim Adams (or someone on his team) to discuss interoperability at next week's Desktop Wrapper WG meeting
- Aaron Williamson: prepare WG data and send to ESCo ML - NOT COMPLETED
- Former user (Deleted): confer internally with Former user (Deleted) re who from GS is best equipped to fill the upcoming ESCo project lead seat, and provide a name back to the ESCo
- John Stecher will continue in this role
- Aaron Williamson: present ESCo perspective on upcoming ESCo project lead elections to the board, cc'ing the ESCo ML
- Lawrence Miller (Deactivated): invite Jim Adams to a future ESCo meeting
- Michael Harmon: chat with Bruce regarding FOS WG chair / co-chair
- Bruce to solicit volunteers from the FOS WG for chair and/or co-chair roles - reassigned to Gabriele Columbro
- Lawrence Miller (Deactivated): ESCo voting mechanics / staggering for members of the ESCo
- Former user (Deleted): draft criteria / rationale for BoD recommendation regarding upcoming ESCo elections
- Former user (Deleted): draft a blog regarding recent Desktop Wrapper WG activity, and how it relates to SymphonyElectron and Minuet open source projects
- Lawrence Miller (Deactivated): review that draft and make sure it's aligned with LLC strategy
- Peter Monks: to discuss with Gabriele Columbro the potential for including the "ESCo seat vote staggering" proposal in March 1st BoD call - perhaps in AOB, given the slides have been distributed?
- Peter Monks: add ESCo agenda item regarding DB conversation
- Peter Monks: get an update from Gabriele Columbro regarding his action to identify co-chair candidates for FOS WG