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Table of Contents


Time (mins)ItemWhoNotes from the Meeting
10 minutesLatest updates from FINOS re. members and program activitiesMaurizio Pillitu

FDC3 Release process, the FINOS way. FDC3 Website updates. Reusable approaches for other programs, ie FO.

Voice program activities around SDKs, good fit for backend API into ODP, preferably hosted externally.

Ongoing conversations with GS to demo something OSR-related but technical at OSSF

FDC3 PMC is seeking for directives and guidance on GitHub branching management

20 minsApprove FDX Program way forward and responsibilitiesGroup

Following up from the proposal originally shared on the list and discussed during our last meeting, FINOS produced an updated proposal, shared with the PMC on Google Docs or attached to this page for simplicity which has been circulated ahead of the meeting. 

20 minsFDX presentations at OSSFGroup

There are multiple presentations being discussed, can we have a recap and make sure we are covering all the strategic items?

Other updates:

  • Bank looking at contributing their internal OSS management system for OSSF
  • MS participating anywhere?
  • Other tracks? Alessandro?
10 minsTODO for next meeting to drive progressGroup
5AOB & adjourn
